Free online english to japanese dictionary, Get the helpful Japanese translations of English words.
English | Japanese |
spire | (教会などの)『尖塔』(せんとう);(尖塔の)とがり屋根 / 先のとがった物 / らせん;その一巻き |
spirit | 〈U〉『精神』,心 / 〈C〉(超自然の)『霊魂』,霊;幽霊,妖精 / 〈C〉《形容詞を伴って》(ある気資・性格をもった)人 / 〈U〉元気,活気 / 〈U〉《時にa ~》気立て,気質;意気,気概 / 《複数形で》『気分』,きげん / 〈U〉(団体などに対する)忠誠心,献心 / 〈C〉(全体に流れる)傾向,風潮 / 〈U〉《the ~》(法などの)精神 / 《複数形で》アルコール;強い酒 / (こっそりと)〈人〉‘を'連れ去る,〈物〉‘を'持ち去る《+『名』+『away』(『off』),+『away』(『off』)+『名』》 |
spirit level | アルコール水準器 |
spirited | 元気のよい,活気ある |
spiritless | 元気のない |
spiritual | 『精神的な』,精神の / 超自然の,霊的な;崇高な,気高い / 『宗教上の』,神聖な,教会の / 黒人霊歌(Negro spiritual) |
spiritualism | 心霊主義;精神主義 |
spiritualist | 心霊主義者;精神主義者 |
spiritualistic | 唯心論的; 心霊術(的) |
spirituality | (物欲に対し)精神的であること,精神性 |
English-Japanese dictionary is a reference book that provides Japanese definitions and translations for words in English languages. It can be used by speakers of either language to learn new vocabulary, improve their understanding of existing terms, or communicate more effectively with others who speak the other language. Typically organized alphabetically by word entry, an English-Japanese dictionary may also include additional information such as pronunciation guides or grammatical notes to help users better understand how words are used within sentences.
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