English Japanese Dictionary

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English Japanese
dopy《話》(麻薬・アルコールなどで)意識がもうろうとした / 《俗》ばかな
Doric(古代ギリシア建築が)ドーリア式の / ドーリア人(地方)の
dormant眠っている,睡眠状態の;(動植物が)冬眠(休眠)中の / (才能などが)未開発の,潜在している / 活動していない,休止中の
dormitory《米》(大学などの)『寄宿舎』,『寮』 / 共同寝室
dory(北米東海岸地方で用いられる)平底船(タラ漁用) / (また『John Dory』)マトウダイ(大きな食用魚)
dosage〈C〉《通例a~》1回分の投薬量 / 〈U〉《まれ》投薬

English-Japanese dictionary is a reference book that provides Japanese definitions and translations for words in English languages. It can be used by speakers of either language to learn new vocabulary, improve their understanding of existing terms, or communicate more effectively with others who speak the other language. Typically organized alphabetically by word entry, an English-Japanese dictionary may also include additional information such as pronunciation guides or grammatical notes to help users better understand how words are used within sentences.

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