English Japanese Dictionary

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English Japanese
journey『旅行』,旅 / 『旅程』,行程 / 《比喩(ひゆ)的に》旅路;(…への)道程,道《+『to』+『名』》 / 旅行する
journeyman(徒弟奉公をすませた)一人前の職人 / 熟練した職人
joust(中世の騎士の)馬上やり試合 / 馬上やり試合をする
Jove=Jupiter・(ローマ神話)ユピテル, ジュピター (天地を支配する最高神;〈ギ神〉のZeus)
joviality〈U〉陽気,快活,上きげん / 《複数形で》陽気な言葉(行為)
jowlあご(jaw),(特に)下あご / ほお(cheek)
joy〈U〉(大きな)『喜び』,歓喜,うれしさ / 〈C〉喜びのもと(種)

English-Japanese dictionary is a reference book that provides Japanese definitions and translations for words in English languages. It can be used by speakers of either language to learn new vocabulary, improve their understanding of existing terms, or communicate more effectively with others who speak the other language. Typically organized alphabetically by word entry, an English-Japanese dictionary may also include additional information such as pronunciation guides or grammatical notes to help users better understand how words are used within sentences.

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