English Japanese Dictionary

Free online english to japanese dictionary, Get the helpful Japanese translations of English words.

English Japanese
morning gloryアサガオ(朝顔), 朝に目覚めてから行うセックス
morning paper朝刊[新聞]
Morning Prayer(英国国教会・聖公会の)朝の礼拝(matins)
morning room(大邸宅の)午前中使用する居間
morning sickness(妊娠初期の)つわり
Moroccanモロッコの,モロッコ人の / モロッコ人

English-Japanese dictionary is a reference book that provides Japanese definitions and translations for words in English languages. It can be used by speakers of either language to learn new vocabulary, improve their understanding of existing terms, or communicate more effectively with others who speak the other language. Typically organized alphabetically by word entry, an English-Japanese dictionary may also include additional information such as pronunciation guides or grammatical notes to help users better understand how words are used within sentences.

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