Free online japanese to english dictionary, Get the helpful English translations of Japanese words.
Japanese | English | Furigana |
客分 | guest | きゃくぶん |
客用 | for use of customers or guests | きゃくよう |
客離れ | customers losing interest in product or shop | きゃくばなれ |
脚 | counter for chairs or seats | きゃく |
脚がある | to have legs,to be able to get around,to be a good runner | あしがある |
足がある | to have legs,to be able to get around,to be a good runner | あしがある |
脚韻 | rhyme,end rhyme | きゃくいん |
脚下 | at one's feet | きゃっか |
脚下照顧 | look carefully where your own footsteps fall,seek enlightenment by knowing yourself and not by watching others,know thyself | きゃっかしょうこ |
脚気 | beriberi | かっけ |
A Japanese to English dictionary is a reference tool that helps people translate words and phrases from the Japanese language into English. It contains an extensive list of vocabulary commonly used in spoken and written communication, as well as grammar rules, idiomatic expressions, and colloquialisms specific to the Japanese culture.
Japanese has three writing systems: kanji (Chinese characters), hiragana (phonetic syllabic script), and katakana (used for foreign loanwords). A good quality dictionary should include all three scripts along with their respective pronunciations in romanized form.
Having access to a reliable Japanese-English dictionary can be incredibly helpful for anyone who wants to learn or communicate effectively with native speakers. Whether you're studying abroad or just want to expand your knowledge of this fascinating language, having such a resource at your fingertips will undoubtedly prove useful time after time!
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