Japanese keyboard online

Free online keyboard to type a Japanese text including Kanjia, Hiragana and Katakana by Romaji.

On this virtual Japanese keyboard you can write Japanese texts with Romaji Syllables.

The Japanese keyboard is an online virtual typing keyboard that allows you to easily type the Japanese language on your computer. This is a quick and accurate Japanese writing tool. You won't need to install any software if you use this Japanese typing keyboard, because it gives you the ability to type almost all Japanese letters including Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. With this online keyboard, you can type Japanese words using either the keyboard on your computer or the mouse.

This is the best and simplest Japanese virtual keyboard that helps you to type the Japanese language perfectly. You will be able to type any Japanese character on your computer by using this virtual keyboard. Even if you do not have a keyboard that is capable of typing the Japanese alphabet, it will still be able to type Japanese for you.

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