Numbers Converter

Convert Arabic numerals to Japanese Kanji and Romaji

Enter Arabic numerals (up to 16 digits, and decimals are not supported):

With this converter you can convert Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) to the Japanese numeral systems Kanji and Romaji.

Although the Japanese do use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) , they also have their own systems of numerals based on Japanese characters that are used in different settings. For example, Kanji numerals (一, 二, 三, 四) are used in traditional ceremonies, and is more frequently used when counting small numbers (ten and under). The structure of Kanji numerals, and the way long numbers are expressed, more closely resembles Arabic numbers in that there are no "counters". Romaji is how these numerals are expressed in English characters.

Let's use the example number 3,500.

In Kanji 3,500 becomes 三千五百. Quite simply, this is 3 = 三 and x000 = 千 plus 5 = 五 and x00 = 百.

In Romaji 3,500 is "sanzen go hyaku". This is broken down as 3 = sen and sen = 1000 plus 5 = go and hyaku. Much in the same way we would break it down in spoken English as "three thousand five hundred".

If this seems too complicated, fear not, for this converter is here to save the day!

With this converter you can:

Convert Arabic numbers (eg. 1, 2, 3, 4) to Kanji numbers (一, 二, 三, 四)
Convert Arabic numbers to Romaji numbers (ichi, ni, san, yon)

This app is designed to help you convert common numbers into Japanese numbers. Simply type in any number up to 16 digits and have it translated into Japanese instantly.

You can use this app to help you with your learning, or when you're trying to read a Japanese figures. With this converter, you'll be able to understand Japanese numbers in no time!

(c) 2022 Convert Japanese | Korean Converter