Lyric of You Look Fun

Lyric of MARIA You Look Fun,Composer:Lil'Yukichi,Writer:MARIA

Singer : MARIA
Writer : MARIA
Composer : Lil'Yukichi

(a)(na)(ta)(mi)(te)(ku)(re)素敵(suteki)(ne)(wa)(ku)(wa)(ku)(su)(ru) ( )y(y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
(mo)(shi)余生(yosei)(,)手前(temae)(to)(su)(go)(se)(n)(na)(ra) ( )後悔(koukai)(ha)絶対(zettai)(ni)(sa)(se)(na)(i)(wa)
(koshi)(ni)(mawa)(su)(te)(tsu)(ki) ( )(na)(re)(na)(re)(shi)(su)(gi)(ha)(chi)(yo)()(to)(kira)(i)
(de)(mo)(a)(n)(ta)(ha)(na)(n)(da)(ka)不思議(fushigi) ( )H(H)e(e)y(y) ( )b(b)a(a)b(b)e(e) ( )I(I) ( )r(r)e(e)c(c)o(o)g(g)n(n)i(i)z(z)e(e) ( )t(t)h(h)i(i)s(s) ( )f(f)e(e)e(e)l(l)i(i)n(n)g(g)
(mo)(shi)(ka)(shi)(ta)(ra)前世(zensei)(de) ( )(too)(ku)(no)(shi)(ra)(na)(i)(do)(ko)(ka)(de)
(chigi)(ri)(wo)(ka)(wa)(shi)(te)(i)(ta)(ka)(mo)(ne) ( )運命(unmei)(to)(ka)(shin)(ji)(chi)(ya)(u)(kei)(?)
(su)(te)(ru)常識(joushiki)(no)概念(gainen) ( )(a)(na)(ta)(da)(ke)(mi)(tsu)(me)(te)(ru) ( )(i)(ra)(n)邪念(janen)

O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
Y(Y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)

O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
Y(Y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
Y(Y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)

(a)(ta)(shi)(no)目線(mesen)(ba)()(chi)(ri)(kimi)(ni) ( )(bu)(re)(na)(i)焦点(shouten) ( )愛情(aijou)満載(mansai)
万歳(banzai)(kun)(ni)(a)(e)(te)(yo)(ka)()(ta) ( )(ko)(no)(ma)(ma)(zu)()(to)(zu)()(to)(shi)(nu)(ma)(de)(ha)()(pi)(i)
(na)(ma)(nu)(ri)(-)覚悟(kakugo)(ji)(ya) ( )(ki)(e)(te)(ku)(re)(a)(ta)(shi)(no)視界(shikai)(ka)(ra)
(ki)(wo)(tsu)(ke)(na) ( )(ki)(ni)(i)()(ta)(ra)(su)(to)(u)(ka)(a)
(ba)(ri)(ni)執着(shuuchaku) ( )周波数(shuuhasuu)(chiga)(u)(ba)(i)(bu)(su) ( )(na)(bu)(su)
(houmu)(ru)(ka)(su) ( )骨折(kossetsu) ( )(kuda)(ku) ( )(de)(n)(ji)(ya)(ra)(su) ( )(na)(bo)(su) ( )(mi)(ta)(i)(na)(mesu)(a)(ta)(shi)(de)(su)
(de)(ki)(ri)(tsu)(ke)(te)(ke)(su) ( )半端(hanpa)(na)(i)(ji)(e)(ra)(su) ( )(atama)(i)(ka)(re)(te)(ru)
I(I)'(')m(m) ( )s(s)o(o) ( )i(i)n(n) ( )t(t)o(o) ( )y(y)o(o)u(u) ( )(ma)(ke)(ru)(wake)(mo)(na)(ku) ( )c(c)a(a)u(u)s(s)e(e) ( )I(I) ( )c(c)a(a)n(n)t(t) ( )l(l)o(o)s(s)e(e)
証拠(shouko)隠滅(inmetsu) ( )永遠(eien)不滅(fumetsu) ( )(ai)(no)約束(yakusoku) ( )薬指(kusuriyubi)(ni)(ha)(me)(te)(yo)R(R)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )G(G)o(o)l(l)d(d) ( )r(r)i(i)n(n)g(g)

A(A)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t) ( )a(a)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)
J(J)u(u)s(s)t(t) ( )b(b)r(r)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )i(i)t(t) ( )a(a)l(l)l(l) ( )t(t)o(o) ( )m(m)e(e) ( )b(b)a(a)b(b)e(e) ( )e(e)v(v)e(e)r(r)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )I(I) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)
A(A)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t) ( )a(a)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)
行動(koudou)(de)(shime)(shi)(te)(wa)(ka)(ra)(zu)(ya) ( )a(a)y(y)e(e)
A(A)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t) ( )a(a)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)
J(J)u(u)s(s)t(t) ( )s(s)p(p)e(e)n(n)t(t) ( )i(i)t(t) ( )a(a)l(l)l(l) ( )t(t)o(o) ( )m(m)e(e) ( )y(y)e(e)a(a) ( )e(e)v(v)e(e)r(r)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )I(I) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)
A(A)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t) ( )a(a)n(n)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )s(s)h(h)e(e) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)
(to)()(to)(to)(mo)()(te)(ki)(na)e(e)v(v)e(e)r(r)y(y)t(t)h(h)i(i)n(n)g(g) ( )I(I) ( )w(w)a(a)n(n)t(t)

O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
Y(Y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)

O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
Y(Y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
O(O)o(o)o(o) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )a(a).(.).(.)
Y(Y)o(o)u(u) ( )l(l)o(o)o(o)k(k) ( )a(a) ( )l(l)o(o)t(t)s(s) ( )o(o)f(f) ( )f(f)u(u)n(n)

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